The Tellicherry Renaissance
Te llicherry was a trading hub for spices in the western coast of India from the time immemorial . Many wars were fought by the Kings and the invaders for control of spice trade in this area, and in the 17th century British established their first settlement on the Malabar Coast at Tellicherry . Tellicherry was a land of renaissance and progressive ideas . From there came many revolutionaries who changed society .Tellicherry was the birthplace of Communist movement in India. It was on the hills of Parapuram at Pinarayi , the communists had their first party congress . There were people who changed the course of the history through their determination and vision . In the early 20th century ,people like CK Revathi and Kunhi Mayen changed the perception of the people through their actions and thoughts . Their life story is much a story of the times. CK Revathi was the daughter of Karayi Damayanthi Amma , a lady with progres...